How Long Can A Salamander Go Without Eating?

Salamanders are carnivores that aren’t very picky with what they eat. Their generalist diet means salamanders can find food in the variety of habitats they live in However, despite their diverse diets, salamanders still sometimes find themselves in environments where food sources are scarce.​ So, how long can a salamander go without eating? Generally, healthy … Read more

Do Salamanders Have Bones?

Do Salamanders Have Bones?

Salamanders are intriguing creatures that attract the curiosity of many people. However, there are also many misconceptions about them. Like all amphibians, salamanders have bones. Their internal skeletons are made up of many interconnected bones and cartilage. Salamanders’ bones are light and hollow, which helps them move efficiently on the ground and in the water. … Read more

24 Interesting Salamander Species Found in Ohio (+ Pictures

Cave salamander

Ohio is home to 24 salamander species, with the most common species being the spotted salamander and the red-backed salamander among others. These salamanders are silent, and spend most of the year hibernating, or hiding under rocks, logs, and other debris, so people rarely see them. You are most likely to encounter one of these … Read more

Do Salamanders Have Lungs?

Do salamanders have lungs?

If you ever look at a salamander, you will notice it looks so much different from other animals. But have you ever wondered what it has on the inside? Do salamanders have lungs as most other animals do? There are over 600 salamander species, that are all somewhat different from each other. Some salamanders such … Read more

33 Interesting Types of Salamanders in Florida (+ Pictures)

Salamander species in Florida

If you live in Florida and love salamanders, you’re indeed fortunate because there are plenty of different salamander species in this region. In fact, there have been recordings of at least 33 different salamander species in the state of Florida. Some of these salamanders are semi-aquatic (they live both on land and in the water), … Read more

Do Salamanders Have Teeth?

Do salamanders have teeth?

Salamanders are intriguing creatures that attract the curiosity of many people. They also tend to be very secretive, so they are not frequently encountered most times of the year. Because of this, there are many misconceptions about these beautiful animals. Most salamander species have tiny teeth in both their upper and lower jaws. However, arboreal … Read more

13 Interesting Types of Salamanders in Michigan (+ Pictures)

Salamander species in Michigan

The state of Michigan is home to at least 13 different species of salamanders – with some of the most common being the red-backed salamander, and the blue-spotted salamander. Most of Michigan’s salamanders are terrestrial, which means they live on land. But there are also a few fully aquatic salamander species. Most terrestrial salamander species … Read more

8 Interesting Types of Salamanders in Wisconsin (+ Pictures)

The state of Wisconsin is home to 8 species of salamanders. 7 of these species are terrestrial, which means they live on land, but there is also one fully aquatic species. Of the terrestrial salamander species, the red-backed salamander is considered the most abundant of Wisconsin’s salamanders (in its range). These salamanders can be found … Read more

22 Interesting Types of Salamanders in Maryland (+ Pictures

Salamanders in Maryland

The red-backed salamander is the most common salamander in the state of Maryland. It can be found from the coast of Worcester County all the way west to the mountains of Garrett County. Though these tiny salamanders may look similar to Lizards, they are quite different. All salamanders are amphibians, just like frogs and toads. … Read more

8 Interesting Types of Salamanders in Minnesota (+ Pictures)

The state of Minnesota is home to eight species of salamanders. Seven of these species are terrestrial, which means they live on land, but there is also one fully aquatic species. Most terrestrial salamander species typically inhabit shady, forested areas, not far from a water source – and often hide in moist locations such as … Read more